Query String Parameters for Video Embed

You can update the UI elements and user experience of your low-code Video Embed by customizing the Meeting URL used in the Webview or IFRAME source by passing the Query String parameters in the URL. When Query String parameters are not passed, the behaviour of low-code Video Embed is driven by the settings configured in Visual Builder. Query String parameters are helpful to make such changes while embedding video applications.


The Meeting URLs can be further qualified with Query String parameters. You can use these parameters to pass the list of features and other data to video meetings.

  • Use the Query String Qualified Meeting URLs directly from the browser's address bar or as IFRAME Embed.
  • Pass different parameters for participants or moderators in the same meeting.
  • Overwrite the feature list as described in this topic. Otherwise, the preset feature settings are persisted.

How to Use

You can use single or multiple query string parameters in Meeting URLs.

  • For using single query string parameters, use this format: https://MEETING-URL?var=value.
  • For using multiple query string parameters, use this format: https://MEETING-URL?var1=value&var2=value.

List of Query String Parametrs

Entry to Session

ParameterData TypeDescription
namestringName of the participant or host joining the meeting.
user_refstringA unique identifier of the participant or host joining the meeting.
Values: yes, no
To join a meeting with or without video.
Values: yes, no
To join a meeting with or without audio.
Values: yes, no
To reach the landing page or the session page directly. When set to no, the name of the participant or the host joining the meeting must be specified.

Enabling Features

ParameterData TypeDescription
Values: yes, no
To enable or disable screen sharing.
Values: yes, no
To enable or disable the whiteboard.
Values: yes, no
To enable or disable live streaming.
Values: yes, no
To enable or disable the group chat.
Values: yes, no
To enable or disable the private chat.
Values: yes, no
To enable or disable the room lock.

UI/UX Elements

Background Image: To use a background image in the UI of a video session.

ParameterData TypeRequiredDescription
bg_img_urlStringRequiredThe fully qualified image URL to use as a background image in the UI.
Enumerated values: no-repeat, repeat-x, repeat-y.
OptionalIf it is not used, the background is repeated.
bg_img_positionStringOptionalIt is a combination of two words. For example, "left bottom".
The first word represents horizontal positioning. Enumerated values: left, right, center.
The second word represents vertical positioning. Enumerated values: top, bottom, center.

User List

ParameterData TypeDescription
Values: yes, no
To enable or disable the user list on participant's UI.
Values: yes, no
To enable or disable the user list on moderator's UI.

Fixed Toolbar

ParameterData TypeDescription
Values: yes, no
To make the toolbar continuously visible.
The toolbar automatically disappears after the predefined time interval elapses.

Grid View

ParameterData TypeDescription
Values: gallery, leader
To start the UI with a chosen view. The default value is gallery.

Top Bar Elements

ParameterData TypeDescription
Values: yes, no
To enable or disable the topbar view.
If the topbar is hidden, then none of the elements under it will be visible
Values: yes, no
To enable or disable counting of users.
Values: yes, no
To display or hide the name of the room.
Values: yes, no
To enable or disable the clock view.

Waiting Lobby

ParameterData TypeDescription
The default value is 120 seconds, that is, 2 minutes.
The maximum time, in seconds, after which a user cannot wait in the lobby before the user is allowed or disallowed to join a meeting.
When the waiting time exceeds the default value specified in this parameter, the user is redirected to tolobby_exit_url.
lobby_exit_urlStringThe URL to redirect a user when the user waits more than the time specified in lobby_timeout.

Lobby Decorations

The following parameters help create a better waiting experience for users in the lobby. Use these parameters in the Participant Meeting URL.

Note: The external URL host server must support CORS to render the associated resource.

Image Carousel/Slide Show: Pass a maximum of three image URLs to play as a slideshow or Carousel.

ParameterData TypeDescription
lobby_img_1StringThe image URL of the first image in the slideshow.
lobby_img_2StringThe image URL of the second image in the slideshow.
lobby_img_3StringThe image URL of the third image in the slideshow.

Text Carousel/Carousel: Pass a maximum of three phrases or text to play as a slideshow or Carousel.

ParameterData TypeDescription
lobby_text_1StringThe first text in the slideshow.
lobby_text_2StringThe second text in the slideshow.
lobby_text_3StringThe third text in the slideshow.

Video Play: Pass the URL of the video file that you want to play. Only HTML5 <VIDEO></VIDEO> player supported file is allowed.

ParameterData TypeDescription
lobby_videoStringThe URL of the video that you want to play.

Background Music: Pass the URL of the audio file that you want to play. Only HTML5 <AUDIO></AUDIO> player supported file is allowed.

Note: Background music can be played individually and with image and text slideshow. It is not used in conjunction with video play.

ParameterData TypeDescription
lobby_musicStringThe URL of the audio or music file that you want to play as background music.

Exit Session

ParameterData TypeDescription
exit_urlStringThe URL to redirect a user to when the user clicks the Disconnect button.
Values: parent, self. The default value is self.
To redirect a user to exit_url in the user's self window or the parent window.

Virtual Image Library

Use the following parameters to create an image library for virtual background. The external URL host server must be CORS-enabled, or the related resource does not render.

ParameterData TypeDescription
virtual_bg_imgsStringThe URL of the image to use for virtual background. The image must be hosted on https.
my_virtual_imgStringThe URL of the image to use as the default background to start a local stream. This URL can be part of the image library or any other image URL. For more information, see Dynamic Image Library using Query String