Implement Android UI Kit

After the required permissions are granted and a valid token is obtained, you can start using the enx_uikit_flutter framework.


To use the Enx_UIKit_Android Framework you must have the following:

  • A valid Token to join the room
  • Granted Camera permission
  • Granted Mic permission

Import necessasry packages

Go to your activity and import the following packages:

import com.enablex.enxuikit_android.view.EnxVideoView

Initialize and Set Up the EnxVideoView

Initiate the EnxVideoView class and add its reference to your video layout as shown below.

// You need to get a Token to get connected
// Initialize EnxVideoView
enxVideoView = EnxVideoView(this,token,this, "Low Code Embed URL")
// Low Code Embed URL is optional, in case you want to import settings.
// Set Layout Parameters
val rlp = RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT)
// Add VideoView to your Layout
this.addContentView(enxVideoView, rlp)