Configure a Voice Prompt

EnableX provides a set of predefined prompts that can be readily used by the subscribers. Subscribers can also choose to play their own (customized) prompts. To play a customized prompt, subscribers must upload the prompt as a WAV file against the specified voice project on the EnableX portal. EnableX assigns a unique name to each of the uploaded files, which is internally used as a handle when the Play Prompt command is executed.

To configure voice prompt through confirmation dialogue box, follow these steps:

  • Click on the VOICE PROMPT button iconn the dialogue box.

Add voice prompt

  • You are redirected to the Voice Settings page. Here, select the Voice Prompt box.

voice prompt

  • On the Voice Prompts form, Select the ADD PROMPTS TO NUMBER tab.

Add voice prompt to phone number

In this section, you will find a list of previously added Text-To-Speech and Audio prompts.

To add a voice prompt from the list, follow these steps:

  • Click ton Plus (+) button next to the desired prompt, and then click on Save button.
  • The selected voice prompt is added to the phone number and will reflect in the phone number list.

Add Voice Prompts

To add voice prompts, follow these steps:

  • In the left menu pane of My Dashboard, select the Voice service.
  • Select Resources from the Voice Service dropdown options.
  • Within Voice resources page, select the Voice Prompts tab.

Add voice prompt

  • Click on ADD NEW PROMPT FILE tab to open the Add New Voice Prompt form.

Add voice prompt

Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the voice prompt setup.

Create New Voice Prompts

To create a new voice prompt:

  • Select a template from the Voice Prompt Template Name dropdown menu, or enter a new template name in the Add New: Voice Prompt Template Name field.
  • Enter the name of the prompt in the Prompt Name field.
  • Provide a description of the prompt in the Description field.
  • Choose the type of voice prompt by selecting either Text-To-Speech or Upload Audio File.
    • For Text-To-Speech, choose the Language, type your message in the Welcome Text box and select the Voice Type: Male or Female.

voice prompt TTS

  • For an audio file, click Choose File to upload from your computer (note that the format must be .wav and the maximum size is 1Gbps).
  • Once all required fields (indicated with an asterisk *) are completed, click SUBMIT REQUEST to add the voice prompt.

Once the file is uploaded, the system returns a unique identification that is used to play this file as a prompt through the Play Voice Prompt API.