Low-Code Video Embed

Low-Code Video Embed allows you to quickly create and embed video meetings into applications and websites, enabling them to have real-time audio and video conversations with multiple participants. It also allows easy collaboration with features like screen sharing, messaging, and file sharing. Additionally, it has built-in reporting features so that you can get detailed insights into your meetings.

Set Up Low-Code Video Embed

You can set up the low-code application development platform by following the instructions provided in the Low-Code Setup Guide. The comprehensive guide explains each step in detail with clear instructions and screenshots as necessary. It also offers troubleshooting tips to help you resolve issues that you may encounter during setup.

Create Meeting Rooms

An API call can create a meeting room, set the duration, and add participants with their access rights. For more information, see Create meeting rooms using Video APIs

Integration Capabilities

As a low-code framework, it gives direct access to join. By passing query string parameters, these URLs can be extended to have a different user experience and different features. With the use of webhooks, low-code is extended to certain levels.

APIs for Provisioning and Reporting

Additional Configuration