FaceAI Android SDK Methods

The FaceAI Android SDK is a fast and lightweight SDK that lets you add facial expression and emotion recognition to your Android application. The system works on the application's UI and does not transmit or store any biometric data on the server. This allows application developers to create applications that detect and analyze facial expressions in real-time, without having to worry about data privacy. The SDK also provides a variety of features such as face pose, facial detection, age, gender recognition and many more, that can be incorporated into the application.

ActionMethod NameDescription
Initialize FaceAIpublic void initFaceAI(Activity activity, JSONObject roomMeta, EnxRoom room, EnxStream stream, EnxFaceAIObserver enxFaceAIObserver)To initialize FaceAI in a video stream.
Face Detectorpublic void enableFaceDetector(boolean enable)To detect the number of faces in a video stream.
Face Posepublic void onFacePoseData(String type, String value)To analyze face rotation and position in a video stream.
Face Agepublic void enableFaceAge(boolean enable)To analyze and predict face age in a video stream.
Face Genderpublic void enableFaceGender(boolean enable)To analyze face gender in a video stream.
Face Emotionpublic void enableFaceEmotion(boolean enable)To analyze face emotions in video stream.
Face Featurespublic void enableFaceFeatures(boolean enable)To analyze face features in a video stream.
Face Arousal Valencepublic void enableFaceArousalValence(boolean enable)To analyze face arousal valence in a video stream.
Face Attentionpublic void enableFaceAttention(boolean enable)To analyze face attention in a video stream.
Face Wishpublic void enableFaceWish(boolean enable)To analyze face wish in a video atream.