FaceAI Web SDK Methods

The FaceAI Web SDK v3.0 events and methods are listed below:

ActionMethod NameDescription
Initialize FaceAIinit(connectedRoomInfo, stream, config, callback)To analyze video streams within an ongoing EnableX video session.
Face DetectorstartFaceDetector(callback)To detect how many faces are there in a video stream.
Face PosestartFacePose(callback)To analyze face rotation and position in a video stream.
Face Age startFaceAge(callback)To analyze and predict face age in a video stream.
Face GenderstartFaceGender(callback)To analyze and predict face gender in a video stream.
Face EmotionstartFaceEmotion(callback)To analyze face emotions in a video stream.
Face FeaturesstartFaceFeatures(callback)To analyze face features in a video stream.
Face Arousal ValencestartFaceArousalValence(callback)To analyze face arousal valence in a video stream.
Face AttentionstartFaceAttention(callback)To analyze face attention in a video stream.
Face WishstartFaceWish(callback)To analyze face wish in a video stream.
Stop FaceAIstopFaceAI(callback)To stop analyzing the face any further.