Configure View

The Cordova SDK provides the following methods:

Hide or Unhide Local View

The window.EnxRtc.hideSelfView() method is used to hide or unhide local stream view in the running conference.

  • Method: hideSelfView( hide, successCallback, errorCallback )
  • Paramters:
    • hide : Boolean. Set it to true to hide the local view. Set it to false to unhide local view.
    • successCallback: Callable Function. Success Notification.
    • errorCallback: Callable Function. Error Notification.

Sample Code

// To hide screen share view
window.EnxRtc.hideScreenShareView(true, function(data) {
console.log('Excelsior succuss! ' + JSON.stringify(;
}, function (err) {
console.log('Uh oh… error' + JSON.stringify(err));
// To unhide screen share view
window.EnxRtc.hideScreenShareView(false,function(data) {
console.log('Excelsior succuss! ' + JSON.stringify(;
}, function (err) {
console.log('Uh oh… error' + JSON.stringify(err));

Hide or Unhide Remote View

The window.EnxRtc.hideRemoteView() method is used to hide or unhide remote stream view in the running conference.

  • Method: hideRemoteView( hide, successCallback, errorCallback )
  • Paramters:
    • hide : Boolean. Set it to true to hide the remote view. Set it to false to unhide remote view.
    • successCallback: Callable Function. Success Notification.
    • errorCallback: Callable Function. Error Notification.

Sample Code

// To hide Remote view
window.EnxRtc.hideRemoteView(true, function(data) {
console.log('Excelsior succuss! ' + JSON.stringify(;
}, function (err) {
console.log('Uh oh… error' + JSON.stringify(err));
// To unhide Remote view
window.EnxRtc.hideRemoteView(false, function(data) {
console.log('Excelsior succuss! ' + JSON.stringify(;
}, function (err) {
console.log('Uh oh… error' + JSON.stringify(err));

Hide or Unhide Screenshare View

The window.EnxRtc.hideScreenShareView() method is used to hide or unhide screen share view in the running conference.

  • Method: hideScreenShareView( hide, successCallback, errorCallback )
  • Paramters:
    • hide : Boolean. Set it to true to hide the screen share view. Set it to false to unhide screen share view.
    • successCallback: Callable Function. Success Notification.
    • errorCallback: Callable Function. Error Notification.

Sample Code

// To hide screen share view
window.EnxRtc.hideScreenShareView(true,function(data) {
console.log('Excelsior succuss! ' + JSON.stringify(;
}, function (err) {
console.log('Uh oh… error' + JSON.stringify(err));
// To unhide screen share view
window.EnxRtc.hideScreenShareView(false,function(data) {
console.log('Excelsior succuss! ' + JSON.stringify(;
}, function (err) {
console.log('Uh oh… error' + JSON.stringify(err));

Hide or Unhide Canvas View

The window.EnxRtc.hideCanvasScreen() method is used to hide and unhide canvas view in the running conference.

  • Method: hideCanvasScreen( hide, successCallback, errorCallback )
  • Paramters:
    • hide : Boolean. Set it to true to hide the canvas view. Set it to false to unhide canvas view.
    • successCallback: Callable Function. Success Notification.
    • errorCallback: Callable Function. Error Notification.

Sample Code

// To hide Canvas view
window.EnxRtc.hideCanvasScreen(true, function(data) {
console.log('Excelsior succuss! ' + JSON.stringify(;
}, function (err) {
console.log('Uh oh… error' + JSON.stringify(err));
// To unhide Canvas view
window.EnxRtc.hideCanvasScreen(false,function(data) {
console.log('Excelsior succuss! ' + JSON.stringify(;
}, function (err) {
console.log('Uh oh… error' + JSON.stringify(err));

Resize Local View

The window.EnxRtc.resizeLocalView() method is used to resize the local view in the running conference.

  • Method: resizeLocalView( resizeOptions, successCallback, errorCallback )
  • Parameters:
    • resizeOptions: JSON Object. View Settings.
      • height: Number. View Height.
      • width: Number. View Width.
      • margin_top: Number. Top Margin. Not Applicable.
      • margin_bottom: Number. Bottom Margin. Not Applicable.
      • margin_left: Number. Left Margin. Not Applicable.
      • margin_right: Number. Right Margin. Not Applicable.
      • position: String. Not Applicable.
    • successCallback: Callable Function. Success Notification.
    • errorCallback: Callable Function. Error Notification.

Sample Code

var options = {
height: 130,
width: 100,
margin_top: 50,
margin_left: 0,
margin_right: 15,
margin_bottom: 10,
position: "top"
window.EnxRtc.resizeLocalView(options, function(data) {
console.log('Excelsior succuss! ' + JSON.stringify(;
}, function (err) {
console.log('Uh oh… error' + JSON.stringify(err));

Resize Remote View

The window.EnxRtc.resizeRemoteView() method is used to resize the remote view in the running conference.

  • Method: resizeRemoteView( resizeOptions, successCallback, errorCallback )
  • Parameters:
    • resizeOptions: JSON Object. View Settings.
      • height: Number. View Height.
      • width: Number. View Width.
      • margin_top: Number. Top Margin. Not Applicable.
      • margin_bottom: Number. Bottom Margin. Not Applicable.
      • margin_left: Number. Left Margin. Not Applicable.
      • margin_right: Number. Right Margin. Not Applicable.
      • position: String. Not Applicable.
    • successCallback: Callable Function. Success Notification.
    • errorCallback: Callable Function. Error Notification.

Sample Code

var options = {
height: 130,
width: 100,
margin_top: 50,
margin_left: 0,
margin_right: 15,
margin_bottom: 10,
position: "center"
window.EnxRtc.resizeRemoteView(options ,function(data) {
console.log('Excelsior succuss! ' + JSON.stringify(;
}, function (err) {
console.log('Uh oh… error' + JSON.stringify(err));

Receive desired Video Quality

The Client Endpoint may receive the desired video quality for available bandwidth. You may create UI based on the enumerated values of video quality, as explained below.

To Set the Desired Video Quality

  • Method: setReceiveVideoQuality( videoQualityOptions, successCallback, errorCallback )
  • Parameters:
    • videoQualityOptions: JSON Object. Expecteed Video Quality Specification.
      • videoQuality: String. Auto, HD, SD, LD
        Set it to auto if you want EnableX to decide the optimum quality for you dynamically.
      • streamType: String. Enumerated Values: talker, canvas.
    • successCallback: Callable Function. Success Notification.
    • errorCallback: Callable Function. Error Notification.

Sample Code

var videoQualityOptions = {
streamType: "Auto",
videoQuality: "talker"
window.EnxRtc.setReceiveVideoQuality(videoQualityOptions ,function(data) {
console.log('Excelsior success! ' + JSON.stringify(;
}, function (err) {
console.log('Uh oh… error' + JSON.stringify(err));

To get the selected Video Quality

  • Method: getReceiveVideoQuality( streamType, successCallback, errorCallback )
  • Parameters:
    • videoQualityOptions: JSON Object. Expecteed Video Quality Specification.
      • streamType: String. Enumerated Values: talker, canvas.
    • successCallback: Callable Function. Success Notification.
    • errorCallback: Callable Function. Error Notification.

Sample Code

window.EnxRtc.getReceiveVideoQuality("talker" ,function(data) {
console.log('Excelsior success! ' + JSON.stringify(;
}, function (err) {
console.log('Uh oh… error' + JSON.stringify(err));

Adjust Player Layout

The window.EnxRtc.adjustLayout() method helps to adjust video player layout in case you have received a complete Active Talker view. If the user rotates the screen, this method will help the video layout to readjust to fit within its parent view.

  • Method: adjustLayout( successCallback, errorCallback )
  • Parameters:
    • successCallback: Callable Function. Success Notification.
    • errorCallback: Callable Function. Error Notification.

Sample Code

window.EnxRtc.adjustLayout(function(data) {
console.log('Excelsior success! ' + JSON.stringify(;
}, function (err) {
console.log('Uh oh… error' + JSON.stringify(err));