Room Connection

The Cordova SDK provides the following methods:

Join a Room with a Stream

Connecting and joining a room is a complex chain of events. You must ensure the success status of the previous event to proceed to the next event. A typical process to connect to a room involves the following steps:

  1. Initiate a room and connect to it.
  2. Initiate streaming after connecting to a room, which requires you to check the media accessibility.
  3. Publish the local stream.
  4. Check if the stream is successfully published.

To successfully join a room, you need to ensure the success of each step before proceeding to the next step, thus making it a complex process. The joinRoom() method allows you to quickly join a room and get started without following every step of this procedure.

  • Method: JoinRoom(token,publishStreamInfo,roomInfo,success,error)
  • Parameters:
    • token: String. This is an encoded token string received from the Enx application server.
    • publishStreamInfo: JSONObject. Published stream information for local streams.
    • roomInfo: JSONObject. Room information for joining a room.
    • successCallback: Callable Function. Success Notification.
    • errorCallback: Callable Function. Error Notification.
  • Event Listeners:
    • onRoomConnected: When the client endpoint successfully connected to the room.
    • onRoomDisConnected: When the client endpoint gets disconnected from the room.
    • onRoomError: When the client endpoints attempt fails to connect to a room.
    • onUserConnected: Everyone is notified that a new user is connected to the room.
    • onConnectionLost: When endpoint loses network connection.
    • onConnectionInterrupted: When the connection is interrupted, e.g., switch from WiFi to 4G and vice versa.
    • onUserReconnectSuccess: When endpoint successfully gets reconnected with EnableX.
    • onReconnect: When endpoint tries to reconnect within the given period.
    • onPublishedStream: The publisher is notified that its stream has been published into the room.
    • onUnPublishedStream: The publisher is notified that its stream is unpublished/removed from the room.

Sample Code

var streamOpt = {
audio: true,
video: true,
data: true,
audioOnlyMode: false,
audioMuted: false,
videoMuted: false,
maxVideoLayers: 1,
name: "John"
var playerConfiguration = {
audiomute: true,
videomute: true,
bandwidth: true,
screenshot: true,
avatar: true,
iconHeight: 30,
iconWidth: 30,avatarHeight: 200,
avatarWidth: 200
var roomOpt = {
activeviews: "list",
allow_reconnect: true,
number_of_attempts: 3,
timeout_interval: 15,
playerConfiguration: playerConfiguration,
forceTurn: false,
chat_only: false,
// Connect Video Room
window.EnxRtc.joinRoom(result.token, streamOpt,roomOpt, function(data) {
console.log( JSON.stringify(;
initLocalView(); // To init local View
initRemoteView(); // To init Remote View
}, function (err) {
// Event Listeners
window.EnxRtc.addEventListner("onRoomConnected", function(data) {
console.log( JSON.stringify(;
window.EnxRtc.addEventListner("onRoomError", function(data) {
console.log( JSON.stringify(;
initLocalView(); // To init local View
initRemoteView(); // To init Remote View
window.EnxRtc.addEventListner("onEventError", function(data) {
window.EnxRtc.addEventListner("onUserConnected", function(data) {
window.EnxRtc.addEventListner("onUserDisConnected", function(data) {
console.log( JSON.stringify(;

Initiate a Local and Remote View

Initiate a Local View

The initLocalView() method is used to show local streams. Users must initiate local views in the success of the room-connected event.

  • Method: initLocalView( localviewOptions, successCallback, errorCallback )
  • Parameters:
    • localviewOptions: JSON Object. View Settings.
      • height: Number. View Height.
      • width: Number. View Width.
      • margin_top: Number. Top Margin. Not Applicable.
      • margin_bottom: Number. Bottom Margin. Not Applicable.
      • margin_left: Number. Left Margin. Not Applicable.
      • margin_right: Number. Right Margin. Not Applicable.
      • position: String. Not Applicable.
    • successCallback: Callable Function. Success Notification.
    • errorCallback: Callable Function. Error Notification.

Sample Code

// To Init Local View
var initLocalViewOptions = {
height: 130,
width: 100,
margin_top: 50,
margin_left: 0,
margin_right: 15,
margin_bottom: 10,
position: "top"
window.EnxRtc.initLocalView(initLocalViewOptions, function(data) {
}, function(err) {
console.log('Uh oh… error' + JSON.stringify(err));

Initiate a Remote View

The initRemoteView() method is used to initiate a remote view. Users must initiate remote views in the success of the room-connected event.

  • Method: initRemoteView(remoteviewOptions, successCallback, errorCallback )
  • Parameters:
    • remoteviewOptions: JSON Object. View Settings.
      • height: Number. View Height.
      • width: Number. View Width.
      • margin_top: Number. Top Margin. Not Applicable.
      • margin_bottom: Number. Bottom Margin. Not Applicable.
      • margin_left: Number. Left Margin. Not Applicable.
      • margin_right: Number. Right Margin. Not Applicable.
      • position: String. Not Applicable.
    • successCallback: Callable Function. Success Notification.
    • errorCallback: Callable Function. Error Notification.

Sample Code

// To init Remote View
var initRemoteViewOptions = {
height: 600,
width: 800,
margin_top: 100,
margin_left: 0,
margin_right: 15,
margin_bottom: 10,
position: "center"
window.EnxRtc.initRemoteView(initRemoteViewOptions, function(data) {
console.log( JSON.stringify(;
}, function (err) {

Disconnect from a room

A client endpoint can disconnect itself from the room to close its session. A disconnected endpoint will lose media and signaling socket immediately.

  • Method: disconnect()
  • Event Listeners:
    • onRoomDisconnected: To the user who gets disconnected.
    • onUserDisconnected: To all other connected users.

Sample Code

// Event Listener to self- Disconnected
window.EnxRtc.addEventListner("onRoomDisConnected", function(data) {
// Event Listener for otheres- Disconnected
window.EnxRtc.addEventListner("onUserDisConnected", function(data) {