Session Management

The Flutter SDK provides the following methods for managing video sessions:

Record a Session

You can record an RTC session as individual streams and get it transcoded through a post-session service to create a single composite video file that can be retrieved and replayed using any video player. You can configure the room for auto-recording or invoke APIs to start recording when required. For details on fetching recorded sessions, refer to How to fetch Recordings?

Ways to Record a Session

A session can be recorded in the following ways:

Auto-Recording a Session

You can configure a Room with { settings: { auto_recording: true }} during Room Creation to automatically start recording the RTC session taking place in the room. The moderator of the room can stop the recording using the stopRecord() method.

On-Demand Recording

Client API call helps you start and stop recording. The available methods are accessible to users in the moderator role only. You can use this method to provide options on the UI for the moderator to access them.

The moderator can start recording anytime during a session. There is no limit to the number of times a moderator can start recording.

Start Recording a Session

The startRecord() method allows the moderator to start recording a session.

Class: EnxRtc

Method: static Future<void> startRecord()

Event ListenerDescription
onStartRecordingEventNotification to the moderator in a room when the recording starts.
onRoomRecordingOnNotification to all the participants in a room when the recording starts.

Sample Code:

EnxRtc.startRecord(); // To start recording
EnxRtc.onRoomRecordingOn= (Map<dynamic, dynamic> map) {
// To all participant to notify recording is on
// map is {"msg":"Room Recording On","result":"0"}
EnxRtc.onStartRecordingEvent= (Map<dynamic, dynamic> map) {
// To moderator to notify that recording has started
// map is {"result":0","msg":"Success"}

Stop Recording a Session

The stopRecord() method allows the moderator to stop recording of a session. You can use this method to provide options on the UI for the moderator to access them.

The moderator can stop recording anytime during a session. There is no limit to the number of times a moderator can stop recording. The moderator can stop recording in a room defined with the auto-recording feature.

Class: EnxRtc

Method: static Future<void> stopRecord()

Event ListenerDescription
onStopRecordingEventNotification to the moderator when the recording stops.
onRoomRecordingOffNotification to all the participants in a room when the recording stops.

Sample Code:

EnxRtc.stopRecord(); // To stop recording
EnxRtc.onRoomRecordingOff= (Map<dynamic, dynamic> map) {
// To all participant to notify recording is off
// map is {"msg":"Room Recording Off","result":"0"}
EnxRtc.onStopRecordingEvent= (Map<dynamic, dynamic> map) {
// To moderator to notify that recording has stopped
// map is {"result":0","msg":"Success"}
EnxRtc. onRoomRecordingOff= (Map<dynamic, dynamic> map) {
// To all participant to notify recording is
//where map is
//{"msg":"Room Recording Off","result":"0"}

Get Recording Files

Type of Recording Files

  1. Individual Participants' Stream Recordings: Each user's stream gets recorded individually and is made available for download. These files are in the .mkv format.
  2. Transcoded Re-playable Session: It's a single composite video .mov file created from all the individual participant's streams in the proper playtime. If a moderator has recorded different segments of a video session, you get a file for each recorded segment. Transcoding is a subscription-based service with a predefined layout. The transcoded files are made available for download.

Note: Individual stream recordings are available for download minutes after the session ends. Transcoding files may be downloaded within 10-45 minutes post-session depending on the transcoding queue.

Use Server API to Get Files

Using Server API, you can fetch Archive Reports through an HTTP GET request to its archive route. You may use the following filters to get the right set of Archive Reports as designed:

  • For a Period - For a given From and To date
  • For a Room ID
  • For a Room ID within a Period
  • For a specific session - For a given Conference Number

After getting the Archive Report, you may need to do an HTTP GET to each URL given in the Report to download files individually. Please refer to the online documentation for a detailed explanation of API calls.

Get Files delivered

EnableX delivers your files to your location/server/storage using its Archive Delivery Service. You need to configure your Delivery Location using the Portal.

Portal Login > Video > Settings > Archive

Using this Tool, define your Delivery Server with Access Credentials. EnableX supports delivery to the following location:

  • FTP / SFTP to your Server
  • SCP to your Server
  • Amazon S3
  • Azure Blob Storage
  • Google Drive

Once configured, EnableX transfers your files and keeps them organized in sub-folders in the folder you designated for delivery. File delivery is a batch process. You may face a significant delay in delivery. After a file is delivered to your location, EnableX notifies you through a Webhook Notification to help you automate workflow.

Get Webhook Notification When a Recording File is Available

EnableX may notify you as soon as any file is available for downloading or a file gets delivered to your location by HTTP POST to a designated Webhook URL. It would help if you had to set up the URL on your Project Server. To configure your Webhook URL, follow the path:

Portal Login > Video > Settings > Preferences > Webhook

Once configured, EnableX does HTTP POST with JSON Raw Body to the URL for you to process. Note that you need to do HTTP GET to each URL given in the JSON to download files individually.

Sample Code

// When a Recording files are ready
"type": "recording",
"trans_date": "Datetime", /* In UTC */
"app_id": "String",
"room_id": "String",
"conf_num": "String",
"recording": [
{ "url": "http://FQDN/path/file" }
// When Transcoded Video files is ready
"type": "transcoded",
"trans_date": "Datetime", /* In UTC */
"app_id": "String",
"room_id": "String",
"conf_num": "String",
"transcoded": [
{ "url": "http://FQDN/path/file" }
// When Chat Scripts are ready
"type": "chatdata",
"trans_date": "Datetime", /* In UTC */
"app_id": "String",
"room_id": "String",
"conf_num": "String",
"chatdata": [
{ "url": "http://FQDN/path/file" }

Please refer to the online documentation for detailed explanation of Webhook Notification.

Live Recording with UI

Note: This functionality is available on the Flutter SDK version 2.1.5 and higher

Recording Live is a new process of creating a transcoded file in a live session with a custom layout without recording individual streams. So, using Live Recording has a double advantage:

  • You get a transcoded file within minutes post-session. Not to wait longer like the previous transcoding process.
  • Unlike previous transcoding processes created in a predefined layout, you can define your own layout for the live recording process.

Auto Live Recording

You can configure a Room with to start Live Recording automatically as soon as the first person joins the Room. This may be done while creating a Room with the following settings:

"settings": {
"live_recording": {
"auto_recording: true,
"url": "https://your-custom-view-url"


  • You can read the detailed information about room creating payload using our Server API here.
  • Read the detailed information on how to create a custom view for the live recording here. It is the same way we create View for Live Streaming.
  • URL is optional. If you skip it, EnableX uses a default layout.
  • Moderator can still stop live recording in a Room by using the stopRecord() method given below.

On-Demand Live Recording

Using SDK methods, a Moderator can start / stop live recording whenever he demands.

Start Live Recording

The EnxRoom.startLiveRecording() method allows moderators to start live recording of video sessions.

Class: EnxRoom

Method: static Future startLiveRecording(Map <String, Dynamic> config)


ParameterData TypeDescription
configStringTo specify the URL of the custom view. Please, read the detailed information on How to create Custom View for Live Recording. Its the same way as we create View for Live Streaming. If its empty, default layout will be used
any\_custom\_key_objectStringYou may use any custom key or object that your Custom View handles to change view/layout etc., through query string
onACKStartLiveRecordingJSON ObjectAcknowledgment to notify that the start recording command has been accepted
onLiveRecordingNotificationJSON ObjectNotification to all users when Live Recording gets started. A new user joining the session gets the same notification if the session is being recorded live

Sample Response

data = {
status = {
resultCode = 0,
success = true,
error = {
errorCode = 0;
errorDesc = "";
startedBy = "7f0f2b04-1ad4-4231-8fdc-9f9e014053b4",
type = "room-live-recording-on";

Sample Code

Map<String, dynamic> config = {
"urlDetails": {}
//Method calling
await EnxRtc.startLiveRecording(config);
// Acknowledgement
EnxRtc.onACKStartLiveRecording=(Map<dynamic, dynamic> map){
print('onACKStartLiveRecording' + jsonEncode(map));
// Notification to all
EnxRtc.onLiveRecordingNotification=(Map<dynamic, dynamic> map){
print('onLiveRecordingNotification' + jsonEncode(map));

Error Codes and Exceptions

7000Generic Server Error.
7011Start Live Recording timeout, Internal Server Error.
7012Live Recording request is in process.
7013Start Live Recording request timeout, Internal Server Error.
7014Recording will be made available post-session with a delay.
7015Live Recording cannot start now, please try after 2 minutes.
7016Start Recording input parameters are missing, Internal Server Error.
7017Start Live Recording input parameters are missing, Internal Server Error.
7018Cannot start Live Recording, Internal Server Error.
7019Live Recording is already running.
7020Start streaming failed, Internal Server Error.
7201Only a moderator can start Live Recording.
7202Invalid URL format.
7203Room is disconnecting, cannot start live recording.
7204Live Recording error.
7205Can't start Live Recording, Fall-back tried but legacy recording already started.

Stop Live Recording

The EnxRoom.stopLiveRecording() method allows moderators to stop live recording of video session.

Class: EnxRoom

Method: EnxRtc.stopLiveRecording()

Event Notifications: onACKStopLiveRecording: Acknowledgement that stop recording request is received

Sample Response

data = {
status: {
resultCode: 0,
success: true,
error: { errorCode: 0, errorDesc: '' }
stoppedBy = "7f0f2b04-1ad4-4231-8fdc-9f9e014053b4",
type = "room-live-recording-off";
//Method calling
await EnxRtc.stopLiveRecording(config);
// Acknowledgement
EnxRtc.onACKStopLiveRecording=(Map<dynamic, dynamic> map){
print('onACKStopLiveRecording' + jsonEncode(map));

Error Codes and Exceptions

7000Generic Server Error.
7031Stop Live Recording timeout, Internal Server Error.
7032Stop Live Recording timeout, Internal Server Error.
7033Stop Live Recording timeout, Internal Server Error.
7034Used internally.
7035Failed to stop fall-back legacy recording.
7036Only a moderator can stop Live Recording.
7037Room is disconnecting, Live Recording will be stopped.

Error codes

Call State Change Event:

7000Generic Server Error.
7021Streaming/Recording Not requested, Invalid State.
7022Start Streaming Failed, Internal Server Error.
7023Call State Changed, could not find RTMP URL.
7024Start Live Recording Failed, Internal Server Error.
7025Call State Changed, could not get recording_name or recording_path.
7026Call State Changed, got state as disconnected.
7027Call State Changed, wrong state in request.
7028Call State Changed, could not find allocated broker.
7029Call State Changed Input Parameter confNum missing.

Start Streaming:

7000Generic Server Error.
7001Start Streaming timeout, Internal Server Error.
7002Start Streaming Request is in process.
7003Start streaming Request timeout, Internal Server Error.
7004Streaming Can't be started now, Please try after 2 minutes.
7005Start Streaming Input Parameters missing, Internal Server Error.
7006Start Streaming Input Parameters missing, please provide rtmpUrl and url.
7007Start Streaming Input Parameters missing, Internal Server Error.
7008Only moderator can start streaming.
7009Invalid or undefined streaming configuration.
7101rtmpUrl should not exceed more than 3 values.
7102Invalid rtmp or url format.
7103Room is disconnecting, cannot start streaming.

Stop Streaming:

7000Generic Server Error
7041Stop Streaming timeout, Internal Server Error.
7042Stop Streaming Failed, Internal Server Error.
7043Stop Streaming Failed, Internal Server Error.
7044Only the moderator can stop streaming.
7045Room is disconnecting, streaming will be stopped.

Generic Error:

7000Stop Streaming/Recording service Timeout.
7000Stop Streaming/Live Recording service Failed, Internal Server Error.
7000Invalid input stop Streaming/Recording service Failed, Internal Server Error.

Move File CallBack:

7000Generic Server Error.
7051Recording File Movement failed.
7052Recording File Movement failed.

Live Recording Waiting Queue:

7039The live recording request was in waiting, successfully removed the request from waiting.
7046The streaming request was in waiting, successfully removed the request from waiting.
7080Live recording/streaming requests in the waiting queue failed to start.
7081Live recording/streaming requests in the waiting queue failed to start.
7104Streaming request is in waiting, will be started soon.
7105The last streaming request is in waiting.
7207The live recording request is in waiting and will be started soon.
7208The last live recording request is in waiting.

Other Error Codes:

7061Internal Server Error Live Recording cannot be started; please try again.
7071Only the moderator can change live recording parameters.
7072Only the moderator can change streaming parameters.
7073The user didn't provide a supported layout, Error in changing the live recording.
7074LLive Recording/streaming is not running, and cannot change parameters.
7075The user didn't provide a layout, Error in changing the live recording.
7076Recording file movement in the process; cannot move log files now.
7077Log File Movement failed.
7078The room is disconnecting, and cannot change streaming parameters.
7079The room is disconnecting, and cannot change live recording parameters.

Play a Recorded File

If you want to play a recorded file directly from the EnableX server, please note that those files are password protected. EnableX implemets HTTP Basic Authentication to secure the recorded file storage.

Therefore, any video player may not use the file paths. The player must provide access credentials to pass through the authentication process to play the file.

Sample Code:

// HTTP Basic Authentication Credentials
String username = 'Username';
String password = 'Password';
String videoFilePath = 'URL';
String basicAuth = 'Basic ' + base64Encode(utf8.encode('$username:$password'));
VideoPlayerController _controller;
_controller =
httpHeaders: {'authorization': basicAuth},);
_controller.addListener(() {
setState(() {});


  • As an alternate way, download the files from the EnableX server to your server and play the files with or without any security measures you may like to deploy.
  • Files from EnableX's storage get deleted after 72 hours. So, accessing them from the EnableX server is not guaranteed beyond 72 hours.

Hard Mute or Unmute a Room

Hard Mute a Room

The EnxRtc.hardMute() method allows moderator to hard-mute a room where all the participants are muted. A new participant joining a room in a hard-mute state is automatically muted.

Class: EnxRtc

Method: hardMute()


onReceivedMuteRoomNotification to all the participants in a room when the room is hard-muted.
onMutedRoomNotification to the moderator when the room is hard-muted.

Sample Code:

EnxRtc.hardMute(); // To hard-mute Room
EnxRtc.onHardMuted= (Map<dynamic, dynamic> map) {
// Moderators are notified that Room is hard-muted
EnxRtc.onReceivedHardMute= (Map<dynamic, dynamic> map) {
// Participants are notified that Room is hard-muted

Hard Unmute a Room

The EnxRtc.hardUnMute() method is used to change the hard-mute state of a room. The right to unmute a hard-muted room lies only with the moderator. Participants can neither unmute a room or their local streams.

Class: EnxRtc

Method: hardUnMute()


onReceivedUnMuteRoomNotification to all the participants in a room when the room is hard-unmuted.
onUnMutedRoomNotification to the moderator when the room is hard-unmuted.

Sample Code:

EnxRtc.hardUnMute(); // To hard-unmute Room
EnxRtc.onHardUnMuted = (Map<dynamic, dynamic> map) {
// Moderators are notified that Room is hard-unmuted
EnxRtc.onReceivedHardUnMute = (Map<dynamic, dynamic> map) {
// Participants are notified that Room is hard-unmuted

Hard Mute or Unmute a Participant

Hard Mute a Participant

The EnxRtc.hardMuteAudio() and EnxRtc.hardMuteVideo() methods allow the moderators to hard-mute the audio and video streams of participants. The affected participants cannot unmute their audio and video streams.

Class: EnxRtc


  • static Future<void> hardMuteAudio(String clientId)
  • static Future<void> hardMuteVideo(String clientId)

Parameters: clientID: The user whose audio/video needs to be hard muted.


onHardMutedAudioNotification to the affected participants when their audio is hard-muted.
onHardMutedVideoNotification to the affected participants when their video is hard-muted.
onReceivedHardMuteAudioNotification to all the participants in the room when a user's audio is hard-muted.
onReceivedHardMuteVideoNotification to all the participants in the room when a user's video is hard-muted.

Sample Code:

EnxRtc.hardMuteAudio(clientId) // To hard-mute user's Audio Stream
EnxRtc.onHardMutedAudio=(Map<dynamic, dynamic> map){
// Your audio is hard-muted
EnxRtc.onReceivedHardMuteAudio=(Map<dynamic, dynamic> map){
// A User's audio is hard-unmuted - to all
EnxRtc.hardMuteVideo(clientId). // To hard-mute user's Video Stream
EnxRtc.onHardMutedVideo=(Map<dynamic, dynamic> map){
// Your video is hard-muted
EnxRtc.onReceivedHardMuteVideo=(Map<dynamic, dynamic> map){
// A User's video is hard-unmuted - to all

Hard Unmute a Participant

Moderators can unmute a participant's audio or video streams using EnxRtc.hardUnMuteAudio() and EnxRtc.hardUnMuteVideo() methods respectively.

Class: EnxRtc


  • static Future<void> hardUnMuteAudio(String clientId)
  • static Future<void> hardUnMuteVideo(String clientId)

Parameter: clientID: The user whose audio/video needs to be hard unmuted.


onHardUnMutedAudioNotification to the affected participants when their audio is hard-unmuted.
onHardUnMutedVideoNotification to the affected participants when their video is hard-unmuted.
onReceivedHardUnMuteAudioNotification to all the participants in the room when a user's audio is hard-unmuted.
onReceivedHardUnMuteVideoNotification to all the participants in the room when a user's video is hard-unmuted.

Sample Code:

EnxRtc.hardUnMuteAudio(clientId) // To hard-unmute user's Audio Stream
EnxRtc.onHardUnMutedAudio=(Map<dynamic, dynamic> map){
// Your audio is hard-unmuted
EnxRtc.onReceivedHardUnMuteAudio=(Map<dynamic, dynamic> map){
// A User's audio is hardmuted - to all
EnxRtc.hardUnMuteVideo(clientId). //// To hard-unmute user's Video Stream
EnxRtc.onHardUnMutedVideo=(Map<dynamic, dynamic> map){
// Your video is hard-unmuted
EnxRtc.onReceivedHardMuteVideo=(Map<dynamic, dynamic> map){
// A User's video is hard-unmuted - to all

Room Entry Restriction

Lock a Room

The lockRoom() method allows moderators to lock a room, which forbids any new user from joining the session.

Class: EnxRtc

Method: static Future<void> lockRoom()

Event Notifications

Event NotificationDescription
onAckLockRoomAcknowledgment to the moderator when the room is locked.
onLockedRoomNotification to all the participants in the room when the room is locked.

Sample Code:

EnxRtc.lockRoom(); // To lock room
EnxRtc.unLockRoom(); // To unlock room
EnxRtc.onAckLockRoom = (Map<dynamic, dynamic> map) {
// Moderator is acknowledged that room has been locked
EnxRtc.onLockedRoom = (Map<dynamic, dynamic> map) {
// Participants are notified that room has been locked

Unlock a Room

Moderators can unlock a room using the unLockRoom() method to allow subsequent users to join the session.

Class: EnxRtc

Method: static Future<void> unLockRoom()


onAckUnLockRoomAcknowledgment to the moderator when the room is unlocked.
onUnLockedRoomNotification to all the participants in the room when the room is unlocked.

Sample Code:

EnxRtc.unLockRoom(); // To unlock room
EnxRtc.onAckUnLockRoom = (Map<dynamic, dynamic> map) {
// Moderator is acknowledged that room has been unlocked
EnxRtc.onUnLockedRoom = (Map<dynamic, dynamic> map) {
// Participants are notified that room has been unlocked

Moderate Participant's Entry to a Session

Approve User's Entry

In a knock-enabled Room, users must wait until the moderator permits them to join the session. The approveAwaitedUser() method allows the Moderator to approve a user's entry to join a room.

Class: EnxRtc

Method: static Future<void> approveAwaitedUser(String clientId)

Parameters: clientID: The client ID of the user is awaiting moderator's approval.


onUserAwaitedNotification to the moderator when a user awaits permission to join a room.
onRoomAwaitedNotification to the user when they await moderator's permission to join a room with { "event_type": "knock" } in the JSON payload.
onAckForApproveAwaitedUserAcknowledgment to the moderator when the user is granted permission to join a room.
onRoomConnectedNotification to the user when the user is permitted to join a room.

Sample Code:

EnxRtc.approveAwaitedUser(clientId); // method allows the Moderator to approve a user's entry
EnxRtc.onAckForApproveAwaitedUser=(Map<dynamic,dynamic> map){
EnxRtc.onRoomAwaited=(Map<dynamic,dynamic> map){
EnxRtc.onUserAwaited=(Map<dynamic,dynamic> map){

Decline a User's Entry to Join a Room

The denyAwaitedUser() method allows moderators to decline a user's entry to join a room.

Class: EnxRtc

Method: static Future<void> denyAwaitedUser(String clientId)


onUserAwaitedNotification to the moderator when a user awaits permission to join a room.
onRoomAwaitedNotification to the user when they await moderators permission to join a room with { "event_type": "knock" } in the JSON payload.
onAckForDenyAwaitedUserAcknowledgment to the moderator when the user denied permission to join a room.
onRoomDisconnectedNotification to the user along with a reason for denial when the user is denied access to the room.

Sample Code:

EnxRtc.denyAwaitedUser(clientId); // method is used to decline a user's entry to the session
EnxRtc.onAckForDenyAwaitedUser=(Map<dynamic,dynamic> map){
EnxRtc.onRoomAwaited=(Map<dynamic,dynamic> map){
EnxRtc.onUserAwaited=(Map<dynamic,dynamic> map){

Switch Participant Roles

The EnxRtc.switchUserRole() method allows moderators to promote a participant to act as a moderator in an ongoing session. The newly appointed moderator is provided access to the moderator controls, and the former moderator becomes a participant in the session. If desired, the new moderator can grant the moderator role to another participant in the session.

Class: EnxRtc

Method: static Future<void> switchUserRole(String clientId)

Parameter: clientId: Client ID of the participant who is designated as moderator.


onSwitchedUserRoleChangeAcknowledgment to the moderator when a switch user role is requested.
onUserRoleChangedNotification to all the participants in a room when a participant is newly appointed as the moderator. The appointed moderator is notified with extra information required to moderate the session.

Sample Code:

EnxRtc.switchUserRole('clientId'); // To assign Moderator Role to clientId
EnxRtc.onSwitchedUserRole = (Map<dynamic,dynamic> map) {
// The moderator is notified that the request to role-switch has been received
EnxRtc.onUserRoleChanged = (Map<dynamic,dynamic> map) {
// Everyone is notified about the new Moderator

Pin or Unpin a User

Pin a User

The EnxRtc.pinUsers() method allows moderators to pin a user to the Active Talker List irrespective of the user's activity level. A pinned user's stream is always published in the room, even if the user is not talking. The inactive pinned users are placed in the Active Talker List after the actively talking users in a descending order based on the activity level, with the most active talkers at the top of the list. The total number of pinned users in a room is restricted to (max_active_talkers: 1) based on the room configuration.

On joining a Room, the user is notified via the onRoomConnected event with Room Meta Information, which contains the list of pinned users as "pinnedUsers": [ /*client-ids*/ ].

Class: EnxRtc

Method: static Future<void> pinUsers(List<dynamic> clientId)

Parameter: clientIds: Array of Client IDs of users whose streams need to be pinned.


onAckPinUsersAcknowledgment to the moderator when the users are pinned.
onPinnedUsersNotification to all the participants in the room with an updated list of pinned users.

Sample Code:

EnxRtc.pinUsers(clientIds); // To pin
EnxRtc.onAckPinUsers=(Map<dynamic,dynamic> map){
// Moderator is acknowledged for pinning user
EnxRtc.onPinnedUsers=(Map<dynamic,dynamic> map){
// Everyone is notified wtih updated pinned list

Error Codes and Exceptions

5003Unauthorized Access. When a user with a participant role invokes pinUser()
5126Invalid client IDs passed

Unpin a User

The EnxRtc.unpinUsers() method is used to unpin the users.

Class: EnxRtc

Method: static Future<void> unpinUsers(List<dynamic> clientId)

Parameters: clientIds: Array of Client IDs of users whose streams need to be unpinned.


onAckUnpinUsersAcknowledgment to the moderator when the users are unpinned.
onPinnedUsersNotification to all the participants in the room with an updated list of pinned users.

Sample Code

EnxRtc.unpinUsers(clientIds); //To Unpin
EnxRtc.onAckUnpinUsers=(Map<dynamic,dynamic> map){
// Moderator is acknowledged for unpinning user
EnxRtc.onPinnedUsers=(Map<dynamic,dynamic> map){
// Everyone is notified wtih updated pinned list

Error Codes and Exceptions

5003Unauthorized Access. When a user with a participant role invokes unpinUser()
5126Invalid client IDs passed

Spotlight a User

The EnxRtc.addSpotlightUsers() method allows moderators to spotlight a user, pushing the user's stream to the top of the Active Talker List irrespective of the user's activity level. Spotlighting publishes the chosen user's stream in the room even if the user is not talking. The moderator can spotlight as many users as max_active_talkers defined in the Room Configuration.

On joining a room, the user is notified through a onRoomConnected event with Room Meta Information, which contains the list of spotlightUsers.

In addition, the JSON containing the active talkers list received with the onActiveTalkersUpdated callback includes a "spotlight" key with a boolean value. Spotlighted users have spotlight: true in the list.

Class: EnxRtc

Method: static Future<void> addSpotlightUsers(List<dynamic> clientIds)

Parameters: clientID: An array of Client IDs of users whose streams are spotlighted.


CallbackData TypeDescription
onAckAddSpotlightUsersJSON ObjectAcknowledgment to the moderator when spotlight request is received with the following JSON { "result": 0, clients: \[\] }.
result: 0 if success.
clients: Array of each Client IDs passed for spotlight.
onUpdateSpotlightUsersStringNotification to everyone in a room when the spotlighted user list update is received with this JSON: { "moderator_id": String, clients: \[\] }: where,
  • moderator_id: Id of the moderator who updates the spotlight user list.
  • clients: Array of Client IDs of users who are spotlighted.

Sample Code:

EnxRtc.addSpotlightUsers(clientIds) // To spotlight
EnxRtc.onAckAddSpotlightUsers=(Map<dynamic,dynamic> map){
// Moderator who spotlights users is acknowledged
EnxRtc.onUpdateSpotlightUsers=(Map<dynamic,dynamic> map){
// Everyone is notified with updated Spotlight list

Remove the Spotlight from a User

The EnxRtc.removeSpotlightUsers() method removes the spotlight from user streams.

Class: EnxRtc

Method: static Future<void> removeSpotlightUsers(List<dynamic> clientIds)

Parameters: clientID: An array of Client IDs of users whose streams are spotlighted.


CallbackData TypeDescription
onAckRemoveSpotlightUsersJSON ObjectOn success, it returns the response information of the requests in the JSON format: { "result": 0, clients: \[\] }
result: 0. It returns an appropriate error code if an error encountered.
clients: Array of each Client IDs removed from the spotlight.
onUpdateSpotlightUsersStringNotification to everyone in a room when the spotlighted user list update is received with the this JSON: { "moderator_id": String, clients: \[\] }: where,
  • moderator_id: Id of the moderator who updates the spotlight user list.
  • clients: Array of Client IDs of users who are spotlighted.

Sample Code:

EnxRtc.removeSpotlightUsers(clintIds) // To remove from spotlight
EnxRtc.onAckRemoveSpotlightUsers=(Map<dynamic,dynamic> map){
// Moderator who removes users from Spotlight is acknowledged
EnxRtc.onUpdateSpotlightUsers=(Map<dynamic,dynamic> map){
// Everyone is notified with updated Spotlight list

Disconnect a User

The dropUser() method allows moderators to disconnect or force-drop one or more participants from a session.

Class: EnxRtc

Method: static Future<void>dropUser(List<dynamic>clientIds)


ParameterData TypeDescription
clientIDsArrayList of Client IDs to be disconnected.
onAckDropUserJSON ObjectAcknowledgment to the moderator when the user is disconnected.

Sample Code:

EnxRtc.dropUser([clientIds]); // To drop clientIds from session
EnxRtc.onAckDropUser=(Map<dynamic,dynamic> map) {
// Moderators are notified with a clientIds dropped

Switch the Room Mode

A room defined with group or lecture mode may be switched to the other mode at runtime, that is, in an ongoing session. The EnxRoom.switchRoomMode() method is executed by the moderator to switch to other modes instantly.

When a room is switched from group to lecture mode:

  • The audio/video streams of all participants are dropped from the room with a notification to each participant.
  • All the features of the Lecture mode, such as floor access control are activated.
  • All active breakout rooms are terminated.

On the other hand, when a room is switched from lecture to group mode:

  • A notification is sent to each participant, allowing them to publish their audio/video streams into the room.
  • Due to privacy concerns, the SDK does not automatically start publishing audio/video streams, but application developers must decide whether to automatically publish the streams or prompt the participants to publish.

Class: EnxRtc

Method: static Future<void> switchRoomMode(String mode)

Parameter: mode: String. Enumerated values lecture, group
The mode to which you want to switch the room into.


CallbackData TypeDescription
onAckSwitchedRoomJSON ObjectAcknowledgment to the moderator with the status of the request.
onRoomModeSwitchedJSON ObjectNotification to everyone in the room that the switch has been switched to the other mode.

Sample Code:

EnxRtc.switchRoomMode(mode). //To switch to group mode mode =group/lecture
EnxRtc.onAckSwitchedRoom=(Map<dynamic,dynamic> map){
// Moderator is acknowledged
EnxRtc.onRoomModeSwitched=(Map<dynamic,dynamic> map){
// Everyone is notified

Error Codes and Exceptions

5003Unauthorized Access. When a user with a participant role invokes switchRoomMode().
5126Invalid Room Mode.
5086The Room is not connected.
5136Non-Contextual Method Call.
1716The Room is in lecture mode. Trying to switch to lecture mode being in lecture mode.
1717The Room is in group mode. Trying to switch to group mode being in group mode.

Session Extension and Closure

Extend a Session

Each Room is defined with a duration value in minutes. This duration defines the total length of a single session. This time is counted as soon as the first user joins the session. EnableX drops the session when the session duration elapses.

For practical reasons, a session may need to get extended. Therefore, EnableX allows users to extend a session duration at runtime. The extension process is explained below.

  1. An Extension window opens 10 minutes before the specified closure time of a session. All the connected users are notified of this event.
  2. Users can trigger an extension of the session by calling a method. Once triggered, the Extension Window is closed, thus preventing subsequent extension requests.
  3. If the extension is not triggered, the final Extension window opens 5 minutes before the scheduled closure of the session. All the connected users are notified of this event.
  4. The session can be extended by 10 to 30 minutes. The extended period can vary as there is no restriction on the number of times a session is extended.
  5. When a session is extended, the previous steps are repeated.

Method: static Future<void> extendConferenceDuration()

Note: The method is available only when an Extension Window is open.


onConferenceRemainingDurationNotification to everyone in the room when an Extension window is open. It carries a JSON to show how many minutes are left before the closure of the scheduled session.
onConferencessExtendedNotification to everyone when the session is extended.

Sample Code:

// Listen to event to know when Extension Window is open
EnxRtc.onConferenceRemainingDuration= (Map<dynamic, dynamic> map) {
EnxRtc.extendConferenceDuration(); // Extend Session
// Listen when Session is extended
EnxRtc.onConferencessExtended= (Map<dynamic, dynamic> map) {

Conclude an Ongoing Session

The destroy() method lets moderators to conclude an ongoing session.

Class: EnxRtc

Method: static Future<void> destroy()

Event Listener: onAckDestroy: To acknowledge that the session has been destroyed

Sample Code:

nxRtc.destroy(); // Destroy session
EnxRtc.onAckDestroy= (Map<dynamic, dynamic> map) {
// Notification to all that session is destroyed.