SDK Methods
Enx Bridge
Enx is a custom native module that acts as a React Native bridge to expose native iOS and Android methods.
Room Metadata Properties
roomID |
Represents the Room ID of a room. |
clientID |
A unique Client ID assigned to an endpoint by EnableX. |
streams |
Dummy streams to subscribe. Active Talker Notifications provide the list of streams carrying media. |
remoteStreams |
List of remote streams. |
localStreams |
List of local streams. |
status |
Status of room connection : Enum (1=Connecting, 2=Connected, 0=Disconnected). |
awaitedParticipants |
List of clients waiting for moderator approval to get into a knock-enabled room. |
raisedHands |
List of clients requested for floor access in the Lecture mode. |
approvedHands. |
List of clients with approved floor access in the Lecture mode. |
Methods included in the Enx class are listed in the below table.
initRoom() | To connect to a virtual room hosted on the EnableX platform to establish a session. |
joinRoom() | To connect a client endpoint to an EnableX room and join an RTC Session with or without a published stream. |
disconnect() | To disconnect an endpoint from a room to close its session. |
publish() | To publish a local stream to the connected room. |
subscribe() | To subscribe to the streams individually to receive media streams of other participants connected to a room. |
getMaxTalkers() | To know the maximum permissible active talkers you may receive and can set. |
setTalkerCount() | To set maximum active talkers. |
getTalkerCount() | To get the number of talkers to receive in the Active Talker list. |
changeToAudioOnly() | To change to an audio-only call. |
getAdvancedOptions() | To get advanced options. |
setAdvancedOptions() | To set advanced options on your local stream to get notified on various events affecting your streaming process. |
isPublishing() | To check if the local stream is currently being published into the room. |
clientDiagnostics() | A diagnostic tool to detect issues causing the RTC to fail. |
sendMessage() | To allow usage of advanced messaging features among session participants. |
sendUserData() | To send instructions and data to one or more recipients connected to a session to deploy new features and business workflow. |
Advance Features
sendFiles() | To initiate a file transfer. |
getAvailableFiles() | Lists all the files available for download. |
downloadFile() | To initiate a file download. |
cancelUpload() | To cancel the ongoing uploading process of an individual file. |
cancelAllUploads() | To cancel the upload of all the files being uploaded. |
canceldownload() | To cancel the ongoing downloading process of an individual file. |
cancelAllDownloads() | To cancel all files being downloaded. |
muteSelfAudio() | To mute and unmute audio from a local stream. |
muteSelfVideo() | To mute and unmute audio from a local stream. |
captureScreenShot() | To take a snapshot of your application's video stream. |
onPause() | To switch to a different application, and push your RTC application to the background. |
onResume() | To switch back to an RTC application. |
enableLogs() | To enable client-side logging. |
postClientLogs() | To share console log with the EnableX Technical team for auditing purposes. |
enableStats() | To opt to receive streaming statistics. |
enablePlayerStats() | To display the received streaming statistics of a player. |
subscribeForTalkerNotification() | To receive notification for the talkers in the room. |
makeOutboundCall() | To initiate an outbound call to a PSTN number or a SIP URI during a session, inviting the called participant to join the session on accepting the call. |
startAnnotation() | To initiate annotation. |
stopAnnotation() | To stop annotation.. |
enableProximitySensor() | To enable the camera to detect proximity. |
Moderator Control
startRecord() | To start session recording. |
stopRecord() | To stop session recording. |
hardMute() | To put the room into a hard-mute state. |
hardUnmute() | To put the room into a hard-mute state. |
hardMuteAudio() | For the moderator to enforce hard-mute audio on a selected participant in the room. |
hardMuteVideo() | For the moderator to enforce hard-mute video on a selected participant in the room. |
switchUserRole() | For the moderator to designate a connected participant to act as a moderator during a session. |
dropUser() | To allow the moderator to disconnect/force-drop one or more participant. |
destroy() | To allow the moderator to conclude an ongoing session. |
approveAwaitedUser() | To allow the moderator to approve a user's entry. |
denyAwaitedUser() | To decline a user's entry to a session. |
pinUsers() | To allow the moderator to pin a user. |
addSpotlightUsers() | To allow the moderator to spotlight a user, pushing the user's stream to the top of the Active Talker list irrespective of the user's activity level. |
switchRoomMode() | Allows the moderator to switch the room's mode of operation from Group to Lecture or vice versa during a running conference. |
Floor Access Controls
requestFloor() | For the participants to request the moderator for floor access. |
cancelFloor() | For the participants to cancel their floor access request pending moderator's approval. |
grantFloor() | For the moderator to grant floor access to one or multiple participants one by one. |
denyFloor() | For the moderator to deny floor access to a participant. |
finishFloor() | For the participants to announce the completion of floor access and its availability for subsequent requests. |
releaseFloor() | For the moderator to terminate floor access granted to a participant. |
inviteToFloor() | For the moderator invite a participant of an ongoing conference to the floor and talk. |
getDevices() | To return a list containing all the microphones available with your client platform. |
getSelectedDevice() | To get the selected or used audio device for the stream. |
switchCamera() | To switch between the rear and front camera as a source for the published stream. |
switchMediaDevice() | To switch the microphone used to create a published stream to an alternate microphone. |
Play a Stream
changePlayerScaleType() | To choose the scaling options for a stream within the video player. |
setZOrderMediaOverlay() | To overlay the player on other player by setting the Z Index. |
setConfigureOption() | To configure a stream within the video player. |
Callbacks categorized by their functions are listed below.
roomConnected |
The client endpoint is successfully connected to the room. |
roomDisconnected |
Client endpoint got disconnected from the room. |
roomError |
A client endpoint's attempt to connect to the room has failed. |
userConnected |
Everyone in a room is notified that a new user is connected to the room. |
userDisconnected |
Everyone in a room is notified that a connected user is disconnected from the room. |
reconnect |
The client endpoint is notified of the reconnection attempt. |
userReconnect |
The client endpoint is notified of the successful reconnection with EnableX. |
connectionLost |
The client endpoint is notified when network connection is lost. |
connectionInterrupted |
The client endpoint is notified when network connection is interrupted while switching between 4G and WiFi connections. |
streamPublished |
The publisher is notified that its stream has been published into the room. |
streamAdded |
Everyone in a room is notified that a published stream is unpublished or removed from the room. |
streamSubscribed |
The participant is notified that the participant has successfully subscribed to a stream. |
canvasStarted |
Everyone in a room is notified that canvas streaming has started. |
canvasStopped |
Everyone in a room is notified that the ongoing canvas streaming has stopped. |
receivedStats |
When updated, the streaming statistics of all the streams is received at the endpoint. |
acknowledgeStats |
The endpoint is notified when streaming statistics is enabled or disabled. |
playerStats |
When updated, streaming statistics is received for a stream at the endpoint. |
receiveChatDataAtroom |
When the client endpoint receives a chat message. |
acknowledgeSendData |
Sender is acknowledged that the chat message was sent. |
Screen Share
screenShareStarted |
All the participants are notified that screen sharing has started. |
sceenShareStopped |
All the participants are notified that screen sharing has stopped. |
Moderator Controls
roomRecordingOn |
All participants are notified when the recording starts. |
roomRecordingOff |
All participants are notified when the recording stops. |
mutedAllUser |
The moderator is acknowledged when the room is put on the Hard-Mute state. |
unmutedAllUser |
The moderator is acknowledged when the room is put off the Hard Mute state. |
hardMutedAll |
Participants are notified that the room is put on the Hard Mute state. |
hardUnmuteAllUser |
Participants are notified that the room is off the Hard Mute state. |
userRoleChanged |
The participant (new moderator) is notified that the moderator's role has been upgraded to that of the moderator. |
acknowledgeSwitchUserRole |
The moderator has acknowledged the role switch. |
Floor Control
floorRequested |
The participant is acknowledged that the moderator has received the participant's request for floor access. |
floorRequestReceived |
The moderator is notified about a new request received for floor access. |
grantFloorRequested |
The participant is notified that the moderator has granted floor access to the participant. |
denyFloorRequested |
The participant is notified that the moderator has denied floor access to the participant. |
releaseFloorRequested |
The participant is notified that the moderator has revoked floor access from the participant. |
processFloorRequested |
The moderator is acknowledged for the moderator's actions on floor Requests, such as grant and deny floor access, and release floor access. |
Active Talkers
getMaxTalkersResponse |
The endpoint receives a maximum number of permissible Active Talkers. |
getTalkerCountResponse |
The endpoint receives a number of talkers that it is set to receive in the Active Talker list. |
setTalkerCountResponse |
The endpoint is notified when you update the number of talkers in the Active Talker list that it is set to receive. |
activeTalkerList |
Everyone in a room is notified with an updated list of Active Talkers. |
Bandwidth Updates
canvasStateEvent |
One recipient or everyone in a room is notified of a significant change in bandwidth affecting canvas streaming. |
shareStateEvent |
One recipient or everyone in a room is notified that there is a significant change in bandwidth affecting screen sharing. |
bandWidthUpdated |
One recipient or everyone in a room is notified that a significant change in bandwidth affects publishing or receiving of streams. |
eventError |
When a client endpoint fails to perform an event. |
advancedOptionsUpdate |
When Advanced options are set. |
capturedView |
When a bitmap snapshot is captured. |
logsUploaded |
When the log is successfully uploaded to the server. |