Session Management

The React Native SDK provides the following methods for managing video sessions:

Record a Session

Using EnableX, you can get an RTC session recorded as an individual stream and transcoded it through a post-session service to create a single video file that can be retrieved and re-played using a video player. You can configure a room for auto-recording or invoke APIs to start recording when required.

Auto-Recording a Session

You can define a room to start recording automatically when a session starts in the room. For automatic recording, pass { settings: { auto_recording: true }} in the JSON payload while creating the room.

On-Demand Recording

Use the client API call to start and stop recording when needed. The API methods are accessible to moderators only. Therefore, on the moderator endpoint, you may need to create a UI to use the methods to start or stop recording a session.

Start Recording a Session

To start recording a session, use the Enx.startRecord() method. On successful initiation of the recording, the moderator receives a notification using startRecordingEvent callback. All other participants receive notifications using the roomRecordingOn callback.

Method: Enx.startRecord()


startRecordingEventNotify the moderator that session recording has started.
roomRecordingOnNotify the participants that session recording is in progress.

Sample Code

Enx.startRecord(); // Start Recording
// To moderator: Recording started
startRecordingEvent : event=>{
// event = { result: 0, msg: "success"}
// To participants: Recording started
roomRecordingOn :event =>{
// event = { result: 0, msg: "Room recording On"}

Note: There is not limit to the number of times a moderator can start recording during a session.

Stop Recording a Session

To stop recording a session, use the Enx.stopRecord() method. The moderator of the session receives the stopRecordingEvent callback notification. All other participants receive notifications using the roomRecordingOff callbacks.

Method: Enx.stopRecord()


stopRecordingEventNotify the moderator that the session recording has stopped
roomRecordingOffNotify the participants that the session recording is stopped.

Sample Code

Enx.stopRecord(); // Stop Recording
// To moderator: Recording stopped
stopRecordingEvent : event=>{
// event = { result : 0, msg : "success"}
// To participants: Recording stopped
roomRecordingOff :event =>{
// event = { result: 0, msg: "Room recording Off"}

Note: There is not limit to the number of times a moderator can stop recording during a session. A moderator can also stop recording in a room defined with the auto-recording feature. For information about obtaining the recording files, see Post-Session Reporting API.

Play a Recorded File

The recored files on the EnableX server are password protected. EnableX has implemented HTTP Basic authentication to secure the storage of recorded files. Therefore, a video player must provide access credentials to pass through the authentication process to play the file from the EnableX server.

Sample Code

npm install --save react-native-video
var username = 'Username';
var password = 'Password';
var videoFilePath = 'URL';
var basicAuth = ='Basic' + binaryToBase64(
utf8.encode(username + ':' + password)
<Video source={{
uri: videoFilePath,
headers: {
'Authorization': basicAuth
ref={(ref) => {
this.player = ref

Note: As an alternate way, download the files from the EnableX server to your server and play the files with or without any security measures you may like to deploy. Files are deleted after 72 hours of creation from from the EnableX storage. So, playing the files directly from the EnableX server beyond 72 hours is not guaranteed.

Hard Mute a Room

The Enx.hardMute() method allows moderators to hard-mute a room where all the participants are muted. A new participant joining a room in a hard-mute state is muted by default. The right to unmute a hard-mute room lies only with the moderator, and participants cannot unmute their local streams either. The moderator of the room is notified with the mutedAllUser callback. The participants of the room are notified with the hardMutedAll callback.

Method: Enx.hardMute()


hardMutedAllNotification to all the participants of a room when the room is hard-muted.
mutedAllUserNotification to the moderator of a room when the room is hard-muted.

Sample Code

Enx.hardMute (); // To hard mute room
// To Moderator - Room is hard muted
mutedAllUser: event=>{
// event= { result: 0, msg : "room muted" }
// To Participants - Room is hard muted
hardMutedAll :event =>{
// event= { msg : "Room is muted", status: true }

Hard Unmute a Room

To hard unmute a room, use the EnxRoom.hardUnmute() method. The moderator of the room is notified with the unmutedAllUser callback. All the participants are notified with the hardUnmuteAllUser callback.

Method: Enx.hardUnmute()


hardUnmuteAllUserNotification to all the participants that the room is put off the hard-mute state.
unmutedAllUserNotification to the moderator of the room that the room is put off the hard-mute state.

Sample Code

Enx.hardUnmute (); // To hard un-mute room
// To Moderator - Room is hard unmuted
unMutedAllUser : event=>{
// event= { result: 0, msg : "room un-muted" }
// To Participants - Room is hard unmuted
hardUnmuteAllUser :event =>{
// event= { msg : "Room is un-muted", status: false }

Hard Mute a Participant

A moderator may enforce hard muting on any participant in a room. The affected participant is not able to talk and publish video until the imposed state is lifted. The React Native toolkit offers hard muting audio and force-dropping the video of selected participants by using Enx.hardMuteAudio() and Enx.hardMuteVideo() methods. The affected participants are notified using onHardMutedAudio and onHardMutedVideo events. All other participants are notified about the mute status of the affected participants using onReceivedHardMuteAudio and onReceivedHardMuteVideo events.

Class: EnxStream

Methods: Enx.hardMuteAudio(), Enx.hardMuteVideo()


receivedHardMutedAudioNotification to the affected participants when their audio is hard-muted.
receiveHardMuteVideoNotification to the affected participants when their video is hard-muted.
hardMuteAudioAcknowledgment to the moderator when a participant's audio is hard-muted.
hardVideoMuteAcknowledgment to the moderator when a participant's video is hard-muted.

Sample Code

Enx.hardMuteAudio(streamId,clientId); // To hard mute user's audio
// To Moderator: User's audio is hard muted
hardMuteAudio : event=>{
// event = {result: 0 }
// To affected Participant: Your audio is hard muted
receivedHardMutedAudio :event =>{
// { result: 0, clientId: "XXX", msg: "user audio hard muted" }
// Similar coding for User's video mute

Hard Unmute a Participant

The React Native toolkit offers hard unmuting of audio and video of selected participants by using Enx.hardUnMuteAudio() and Enx.hardUnMuteVideo() methods. The affected participant is notified using onHardUnMutedAudio and onHardUnMutedVideo events. All other participants are notified about the mute status of the affected participant using onReceivedHardUnMuteAudio and onReceivedHardUnMuteVideo events.

Class: EnxStream

Methods: Enx.hardUnMuteAudio(), Enx.hardUnMuteVideo()


receivedHardUnmutedAudioNotification to the affected participants when their audio is lifted off the hard-mute state.
receiveHardUnmuteVideoNotification to the affected participants when their video is lifted off the hard-mute state.
hardunmuteAudioAcknowledgment to the moderator when a participant's audio is lifted off the hard-mute state.
hardVideoUnmuteAcknowledgment to the moderator when a participant's video is lifted off the hard-mute state.

Sample Code

Enx.hardUnmuteAudio(streamId,clientId); // To hard unmute user's audio
// To Moderator: User's audio is hard unmuted
hardUnmuteAudio : event=>{
// event = {result: 0 }
// To affected Participant: Your audio is hard unmuted
receivedHardUnmutedAudio :event =>{
// { result: 0, clientId: "XXX", msg: "user audio hard unmuted" }
// Similar coding for User's video unmute

Room Entry Restrictions

Lock a Room

The Enx.lockRoom() method allows moderators to lock a room, which forbids new users from joining the session.

Class: Enx

Method: Enx.lockRoom()


ackLockRoomAcknowledgment to the moderator when the room is locked.
lockedRoomNotification to all the participants in a room when the room is locked.

Sample Code

Enx.lockRoom(). //Lock room
// Moderator is acknowledged that room has been locked
// Participants are notified that room has been locked

Error Codes and Exceptions

5115Unauthorized access. A user with the participant role has tried to invoke lockRoom().
5117Invalid request. When the moderator invokes lockRoom() for a locked room.

Unlock a Room

Moderators can unlock a room by using Enx.unLockRoom() method to allow subsequent users to join the session.

Class: Enx

Method: Enx.unLockRoom()


ackUnLockRoomAcknowledgment to the moderator when the room is unlocked.
unLockedRoomNotification to all the participants in the room when the room is unlocked.

Sample Code

Enx.unLockRoom(). //Unlock room
// Moderator is acknowledged that room has been unlocked
// Participants are notified that room has been unlocked

Error Codes and Exceptions

5115Unauthorized access. A user with the participant role has tried to invoke unlockRoom().
5118Invalid request. When the moderator invokes unlockRoom() on a locked room.

Moderate Participants' Entry to a Session

In a Knock-enabled Room, users need to wait until the moderator of the room grants them permission to join the session.

Approve a User's Entry

The Enx.approveAwaitedUser() method allows moderators to approve a user's entry to a knock-enabled room.

Method: Enx.approveAwaitedUser(clientId)

Parameter: clientId: String. The client ID of the user awaiting moderator's approval.


CallbackData TypeDescription
userAwaitedStringNotification to the moderator when a user awaits moderator's permission to join a room.
roomAwaitedStringNotification to a user when the user awaits moderator's permission to connect to a room with { "event_type": "knock" } in the JSON payload.
ackForApproveAwaitedUserStringAcknowledgment to the moderator when a user is granted permission to join a room.
roomConnectedStringNotification to a user when the user is permitted to join a room.

Sample Code

// Moderator is notified about awaited user
// Notification to the user when they await Moderator's permission to join Room

Decline a User's Entry

The Enx.denyAwaitedUser() method is used to decline a user's entry to a session.

Method: Enx.denyAwaitedUser(clientId)

Parameter: clientId: String. The client ID of the user awaiting moderator's approval.


CallbackData TypeDescription
userAwaitedStringNotification to the moderator when a user awaits moderator's permission to join a room.
roomAwaitedStringNotification to a user when the user awaits moderator's permission to connect to a room with { "event_type": "knock" } in the JSON payload.
ackForDenyAwaitedUserStringAcknowledgment to the moderator when a user is denied permission to join a room.
roomDisconnectedStringNotification to a user along with the reason for denial when the user is denied access to a room.

Sample Code

// Moderator is notified about awaited user
// Notification to the user when they await Moderator's permission to join Room
// User has been denied entry

Disconnect a User

The Enx.dropUser() method allows moderators to disconnect/force-drop one or more participants from a session.

Method: Enx.dropUser(clientIds)

Parameter: clientIds: Array. Required
List of Client IDs of users to be disconnected from a session.


CallbackData TypeDescription
ackDropUserStringAcknowledgment to the moderator when the user is disconnected from a room.
roomDisconnectedStringNotification to the affected user with the reason of disconnection from the room.

Sample Code

// Moderator is acknowledged that user has been dropped
// Notification to the affected user with the reason to be disconnected from the Room

Error Codes and Exceptions

5116Unauthorized access. When a user with the participant role invokes dropUser().

Session Extension and Closure

Extend a Session

The duration of a room is limited. It is specified in minutes and defined during the room creation. This time is counted as soon as the first user joins the session. The session is dropped when the session duration elapses.

For practical reasons, a session may need to get extended. The EnxRoom.extendConferenceDuration() allows you to extend the duration of a session beyond the configured value. The extension process is explained below.

1.An Extension window opens 10 minutes before the specified closure time of a session. All the connected users are notified of this event. 2. Users can trigger an extension of the session by calling extendConferenceDuration(). Once triggered, the Extension Window is closed, thus preventing subsequent extension requests. 3. If the extension is not triggered, the final Extension window opens 5 minutes before the scheduled closure of the session. All the connected users are notified of this event. 4. The session can be extended by 10 to 30 minutes. The extended period can vary as there is no restriction on the number of times a session is extended. 5. When a session is extended, the previous steps are repeated.

Method: extendConferenceDuration(): To trigger extension by a user. Extension is possible only when an Extension Window is open.


extendConferenceDurationNotification when an Extension Window is open. A JSON shows how many minutes are left to the scheduled session closure.
conferencessExtendedNotification when the session is extended.

Sample Code

// Listen to event to know when Extension Window is open
window.EnxRtc.addEventListner("onConferenceRemainingDuration", function (data) {}); // Extend Session
window.EnxRtc.extendConferenceDuration(); // Extend Session
// Listen when Session is extended
window.EnxRtc.addEventListner("onConferencessExtended", function (data) {});

Destroy a Session

The Enx.destroy() method allows moderators to conclude an ongoing session.

Method: Enx.destroy()


ackDestroyAcknowledgment to the moderator when the session is destroyed.
roomDisconnectedNotification to all the users in a room when the session is destroyed.

Sample Code

conferenceRemainingDuration:event =>{
// Listen to event to know when Extension Window is open
Enx.extendConferenceDuration(); // Extend Session
conferencessExtended: event =>{
// Listen when Session is extended

Error Codes and Exceptions

5116Unauthorized access. When a user with the participant role invokes destroy().

Switch Participant Roles

The EnxRoom.switchUserRole() method allows moderators to promote a participant to act as a moderator in the ongoing session. This newly appointed moderator gets access to moderator controls, and the former moderator becomes a participant in the session. If desired, the new moderator can grant the moderator role to another participant.

Method: Enx.switchUserRole(clientId)

Parameter: clientId: String. Client ID of the participant who is designated as the moderator.


CallbackData TypeDescription
acknowledgeSwitchUserRoleJSON ObjectAcknowledgment to a moderator when the moderator is requested to switch a user's role.
userRoleChangedJSON ObjectAll participants are notified that a new user has been appointed as the moderator. The newly appointed moderator is also notified with extra information.

Sample Code

Enx.switchUserRole(clientId); // Role Change Request from Moderator
acknowledgeSwitchUserRole: event => {
// Moderator is acknowledged
userRoleChanged: event => {
// All Participants are notified - event jsonObject
{ "moderator": false, // You are not a moderator
"clientId": "XXX" // New Moderator's Client ID
// New Moderator is notified - jsonObject
{ "moderator": true, // You are a moderator
"clientId": "XXX", // New Moderator's Client ID i.e. You
"raisedHands":[], // List of Client IDs requested Floor Access
"approvedHands":[] // List of Client IDs with Floor Access

Pin a User

The EnxRoom.pinUsers() method allows moderators to pin a user to the Active Talker list irrespective of the user's activity level. A pinned user's stream is always published in the room, even if the user is not talking. The inactive pinned users are placed in the Active Talker list after the actively talking users in a descending order based on their activity level, with the most active talker on top of the list. Based on the Room configuration, the total number of pinned users in a room is restricted to (max_active_talkers – 1).

On joining a room, a user is notified with Room Meta Information through the onRoomConnected event. This event provides the list of pinned users as "pinnedUsers": [ /*client-ids*/ ].

Class: Enx

Method: Enx.pinUsers(clientIds)

Parameter: clientIds: String. Client ID of the participant who is designated as the moderator.


CallbackData TypeDescription
ackPinUsersJSON ObjectAcknowledgment to the moderator when the users are pinned.
pinnedUsersJSON ObjectNotification to everyone in a room with an updated list of pinned users.

Sample Code

// Moderator is acknowledged for pinning user
// Everyone is notified wtih updated pinned lis

Error Codes and Exceptions

5003Unauthorized access. A user with the participant role has tried to invoke pinUser().
5126Invalid client IDs are passed.

Unpin a User

The Enx.unpinUsers() method is used to unpin the users.

Class: Enx

Method: Enx.unpinUsers(clientIds)

Parameter: clientIds: String. Client ID of the participant who is designated as the moderator.


CallbackData TypeDescription
ackUnpinUsersJSON ObjectAcknowledgment to the moderator when the users are unpinned.
pinnedUsersJSON ObjectNotification to everyone in the room with an updated list of pinned users.

Sample Code

// Moderator is acknowledged for unpinning user
// Everyone is notified wtih updated pinned lis

Error Codes and Exceptions

5003Unauthorized access. A user with the participant role has tried to invoke unpinUser().
5126Invalid client IDs are passed.

Spotlight a User

The Enx.addSpotlightUsers() method method allows the moderator to spotlight a user, pushing the user's stream to the top of the Active Talker List irrespective of the user's activity level. Spotlighting publishes the chosen user's stream in the room even if the user is not talking. The moderator can spotlight as many users as max_active_talkers defined in the Room Configuration.

On joining a room, a user is notified with Room Meta Information through the onRoomConnected event. This event provides the list of spotlightUsers.

Subsequent active talkers list (JSON) received with the onActiveTalkersUpdated callback includes a "spotlight" key with a boolean value. This key is set to true for spotlighted users.

Class: Enx

Method: Enx.addSpotlightUsers(clientIds)

Parameter: clientIds: Array. An array of Client IDs of users whose streams are spotlighted or removed from the spotlight.


CallbackData TypeDescription
ackAddSpotlightUsersackResumeJSON ObjectAcknowledgment to the moderator when a spotlight request is received with the following JSON: { "result": 0, clients: \[\] }: result: 0 for success
clients: Array of Client IDs of users added for spotlight.
updateSpotlightUsersJSON ObjectNotification to everyone in a room when the spotlighted user list update is received with the this JSON: { "moderator_id": String, clients: \[\] }: where,
  • moderator_id: Id of the moderator who updates the spotlight user list.
  • clients: Array of Client IDs of users who are spotlighted.

Sample Code

Enx.addSpotlightUsers(clientIds) //Add spotlight to user
// Moderator who spotlights users is acknowledged
// Everyone is notified with updated Spotlight list

Remove the Spotlight from a User

The Enx.removeSpotlightUsers() method removes the spotlight from user streams.

Class: Enx

Method: Enx.removeSpotlightUsers(clientIds)

Parameter: clientIds: Array. An array of Client IDs of users whose streams are spotlighted or removed from the spotlight.


CallbackData TypeDescription
ackRemoveSpotlightUsersJSON ObjectAcknowledgment to the moderator when the spotlight request is received with the following JSON: { "result": 0, clients: \[\] }:* result: 0 for success.
clients: Array of Client IDs of users added for spotlight.
updateSpotlightUsersJSON ObjectNotification to everyone in a room when the spotlighted user list update is received with the this JSON: { "moderator_id": String, clients: \[\] }: where,
  • moderator_id: ID of the moderator who updates the spotlight user list.
  • clients: Array of Client IDs of users who are spotlighted.

Sample Code

Enx.removeSpotlightUsers(clientIds) //Remove spotlight to user
// Moderator who removes users from Spotlight is acknowledged
// Everyone is notified with updated Spotlight list

Switch the Room Mode

A room defined with either group or lecture mode may be switched to the other mode at runtime during an ongoing session. The EnxRoom.switchRoomMode() method is executed by the moderator to switch to another mode instantly.

When a room is switched from group or lecture mode:

  • The audio/video streams of all the participants are dropped from the room with a notification to each participant.
  • All the features of Lecture mode, such as Floor Access Control are activated.

On the other hand, when a room is switched from group or lecture mode:

  • A notification is sent to each participant, allowing the participants to publish their audio/video streams into the room.
  • Due to privacy concerns, SDK does not automatically start publishing audio/video streams in such cases, but application developers must decide whether to publish them automatically or to prompt the participants to publish them.

Class: Enx

Method: Enx.switchRoomMode(roomMode)

Parameter: roomMode: String. Enumerated values lecture, group.
Use the mode that you want to switch to.


CallbackData TypeDescription
ackSwitchedRoomJSON ObjectAcknowledgment to the moderator with status of the room mode switch request.
roomModeSwitchedJSON ObjectNotification to everyone in a room that the room is switched to the other mode.

Sample Code

Enx.switchRoomMode(roomMode). //To switch to group mode, mode=group/lecture
// Moderator is acknowledged
// Everyone is notified

Error Codes and Exceptions

5003Unauthorized access. When a user with the participant role invokes switchRoomMode().
5126Invalid room mode.
5086Room is not connected.
5136Non-contextual method call.
1716Room is in Lecture mode. Trying to switch to the Lecture mode while being in the same mode.
1717Room is in Group mode. Trying to switch to the Group mode while being in the same mode.